Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I think a results blog is not really necessary, since my blog is public, and so are the comments, but I'm trying to make a habit of blogging more often. Short blogs, but more of them.

So, the consensus is that the post about Macs vs. PCs was good, except for those who aren't technically minded, or who visit my blog exclusively to make sure her kids are cuter than mine. Otherwise, a little variety from the usual kiddie stories, particularly from those who don't have kids yet, and really don't appreciate potty training/baby messing/other child fiasco stories, is appreciated. (That was a really long sentence, and the subject was really far away from the verb and object. If this were anything but a blog, I would probably revise that sentence. But it is a blog, so I won't.)

Otherwise, the results of the actual Mac/PC debate, from an admittedly very small sampling, is that, yes, they are expensive, but in certain cases, they are worth the money. Most of those cases are when the money is coming from someone else. Usually an employer. Thanks for the input. I'll stick with my PCs for a few more years, at least.

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