A friend of mine did a post about regrets today.
She had some funny regrets on there that made me consider what regrets I might have. Also, she ended the post by saying "How about you guys?" So I had to think about it. It was, like, homework.
Going down her list, I was surprised at the list of her regrets, because so many of them were things I considered regretting or did regret, at one time. Like study abroad. I always wanted to study abroad, but I also wanted to finish school, and not go into too much debt during school. I accomplished those other goals by sacrificing any opportunity to study abroad. Also, she regrets not practicing the piano enough. I used to wish I could play the piano better, and I still do a little, but I did not like piano lessons, and I still maintain that I was tricked into it. In third grade, I wanted to join a soccer team. My mom said I could if I started piano lessons, and I thought that was ok. So I started both. I played soccer for one year, and I took piano lessons for 8 years. I think I plateaued around year 5 or so, but I was never really into it. I can play the piano well enough for me, and I'm ok with that.
I have no real big regrets. I wish I had learned how to better interact with people. I think I do an ok job, but I'm very timid. In the past I have come across as someone who needs help, or someone threatening. (I never understood how I would be perceived as threatening.) So, after a while of not talking much, if at all, people would become curious, and start a conversation. I was rarely the initiator. Some people think I'm a good listener, and maybe I am, now, but I've mostly always been a bad talker.
I do have one oddly specific regret. When I was young (8 or 10) I had a crush on a girl in my ward, who had been in my school classes too. So at a Pioneer Day party one year, there were handcarts that some people were supposed to ride in, and others could help push. I managed to hop into the same cart as this girl, and we were riding along and she said we should go faster. So, in my child-like attempt at chivalry, I hopped out of the cart to help push faster. But I fell. And I was dumb enough to jump off the front edge, so I had to try a backwards somersault to avoid getting run over. I almost made it out of the way, but the wheel ran over my rear end. (I remember it being almost like a pinch between the wheel and the road, but thinking back, I don't know if that makes sense.) So I had to sort of waddle over to the grass to recover. I still wish I hadn't done that.
I peed my pants in kindergarten once, on the floor at the front of the classroom. I didn't think anyone would notice, but after we took our seats again, the teacher had us go to the front of the room again.
I tried to find my wet-spot and sit there again, but I missed it. Instead, Sheri Stapleton - my first crush - found it. I could never face her again.
I kind of regret that.
Joe, I think the best part of your story is that you don't regret peeing your pants, you only regret that your crush sat on your pee-puddle.
Well, pants are washable, after all...
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