Jay's first birthday is this week, and it amazes me how big he's gotten. He can walk now, you know.
That video was taken a couple of weeks ago, and he's made a lot of progress. He doesn't really fall like that any more, even when one of his sisters tries to knock him over. He's also taken the offensive against his sisters, occasionally trying to tackle them. It's pretty hilarious.
Jay loves to be involved in what's going on, and gets very upset if he's excluded. He gets really excited about the chance to play Rock Band, and screams when we don't let him hold both drumsticks. He knows where we keep them in the extra room, so any time that door is open, he makes a bee line for the drum set. I came home from work yesterday, and he was trying to reach the mouse to use the computer. I sat him in the chair and turned on an episode of Woody Woodpecker on Hulu. Then he started pushing keys on the keyboard, so I had to move that out of the way.
Mia is a musical person. She sings things, and dances to her songs. Not just songs people teach her, but she will sometimes sing to herself, or sing to other people, using as lyrics whatever it is she wants to tell you. Sort of like she thinks she's in a musical. Sometimes Jay will dance along with her songs.
Holly is doing well in kindergarten. On the weekends, she looks forward to Monday so she can go back to school. She has learned 110 words by sight, but she reads all by herself already. She takes cues from the pictures, but still does amazingly well. I don't mean books with three words on a page, either. She's been reading books with paragraphs on each page. And Dr. Seuss books, too.
They continue to amaze me.
Jay is crazy big. I need to spend more time with your kids or I'll end up the uncle they don't know and are scared of.
Wow...they are getting so big!
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