Friday, January 9, 2009


Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc.

Now I've included pictures of Snow, Christmas, our Christmas tree, our house with snow and Christmas lights, Christmas morning, Holly and Mia dressed up, and even a picture of Matt.
I actually made this collage by using Kodak's website, and it's just the preview on the way to actually buying a big print, so it's not very big, but it serves its purpose.
We had some really funny pictures from Christmas, especially since Matt and Kelly got a kid digital camera for Holly and Mia (they explained it was on clearance and they had to get it for someone.) Holly and Mia fought over it, and took about 100 pictures in 15 minutes, only 15 of which were recognizable. Holly's favorite thing to do with it was spin around in a circle and push the button repeatedly. She and Mia also took a few interesting videos; mostly while running after or away from each other.

Good times.

Next post will be about our nearly finished bathroom. Really, it's really close to being completely done.

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