Friday, September 26, 2008

Weekend Update

We're having a boy. More to follow.

Our girls love to play dress-up. They both got a bunch of Disney play dresses for their birthdays. Holly loves gloves especially, and I like Mia's combination of the sunglasses and the veil.

I'm a little surprised at how excited they've been about them. Coincidentally, we got some doll clothes for Mia, who loves her baby doll, but the snoops found them early, and Holly put a pair of pajamas on her teddy bear, and they fit surprisingly well.

Yesterday, when I got home from work, I heard Mia saying "hide and seek," over and over. She was under the side table, behind the rocking chair. It would have been a very good hiding spot if she hadn't been telling me where she was.

We had a ward dinner on Friday, and someone brought a train. It was a four-wheeler, pulling a bunch of modified water containers. Mia was afraid of it at first, but after one ride, she didn't want to get off. I carried her away screaming about five times so that other kids would get a turn. The old couples nearby had the saddest looks on their faces, and would say "just let her ride." Don't worry, I didn't listen. But she got to ride on it the next time around, and she had a great time anyway.


randivon said...

I just checked your blog for the day. Congrats on the boy!
Man... I am now really wishing I was not flying out to Vegas so that Mary could play dress up with your girls. Well, I will just have to come out again sometime with the whole family!

Erin said...

I have a little girl who loves dress up herself... lucky for her brother that he gets to dress up too. You have never seen a boy who can walk (and run) in heels like Owen can. Usually Ellie is Sleeping Beauty and Owen is Snow White. I guess it evens out since she has to play trains, cars and blocks with him. Ah, things for you to look forward to.