Friday, October 17, 2008

High School thingy.

In honor of our ten year reunion, I'm doing this high school questionnaire, since I haven't posted in a while. I will try to get Kelsea to do it too.

1. Did you date someone from your school? Not really. I went on a few dates, but only for special occasions, and mostly because the situation required pairing up.

2. What kind of car did you drive? I didn't drive in high school. I didn't even get my license until after graduation. Then I drove a 1981 Subaru 2 door hatchback with AM radio only, and no A/C. I called it Old Yellow.

3. Did you pass your driver's license test on the first try? Yes. But not until after graduation.

4. Were you a party animal? Yes, but only at very tame parties.

5. Were you considered a flirt? I highly doubt it.

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? I was in choir for four years.

7. Were you a nerd? Absolutely I was. Past tense.

8. Were you on any varsity teams? Varsity quiz, Varsity choir... wow, I was a huge nerd, wasn't I?

9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Not in high school.

10. Can you still sing the fight song? Naturally.

11. Who were your favorite teachers? Ms. Ginger, Ms. Victor, Mr. Ching, Mr. Fullman, Ms. Moses. I liked most of my teachers.

12. Where did you sit during lunch? When we still had a lunch break, I think I would go to the choir room. When lunch was abolished for "nutrition breaks" I would sit in the courtyard.

13. What is your schools full name? Chaparral High School.

14. School mascot and colors? Cowboys, orange and black.

15. Did you go to Homecoming and who with? Kelsea - junior year, Lena Wilcox - senior year. Neither turned out so well.

16. If you could go back and do it again, would you? No.

17. What do you remember most about graduation? Taking pictures of the valedictorians, oddly. I think Josh Johanson gave me his camera specifically to take pictures of him.

18. Where did you go senior ditch day? I think I went to visit Tom, but I'm not sure that was senior ditch day.

19. Were you in any clubs? Not really. But I would have to check the yearbook. (I'm counting Varsity Quiz as a sport, not a club. So there.)

20. Have you gained some weight since then? Yeah. I don't remember how much I weighed at the end of high school, but I've put on somewhere between 10 and 35 pounds. Some of it was height.

21. Who was your prom date? Never went to prom.

22. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Yep. It's tomorrow.

23. Did you have a job while in high school? I worked at homework hotline during the school years, and I had a few manual labor jobs during the summers.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Varsity Quiz? Homework hotline? I never realized you rolled with the nerd herd. Very insightful post.